Have You ever wondered How to achieve the Perfect Car Wash? Have You tried to revive the New and Fresh Looks of your Car but have failed to do so? Are You in the Search of the Most Effective Way to Thoroughly Clean Your Car and Revive Its Original Glory?
Don’t Worry At All, We’ll take you through the 7 Things that you should be doing in Your Car Wash to get that BRAND-NEW, FRESH, AND PERFECTLY CLEANED CAR.
1. Use the Best Products
It is no wonder that You need High-Quality and Specialized Products to achieve the Best Results. We know that It might seem convenient to use Dish Soap and Kitchen Towels for the Car Wash but Using such Household Cleaning Items can seriously damage Your Car’s Paint Surface. Also, They won’t be able to remove the Dirt, Stains, Bird Poop, and other Contaminants as Highly Specialized Products would. You need to use High-Quality Car Shampoo, Microfiber Drying Towels, and an Industry Standard Car Wash Mitt to Clean your Car in a Proper Way.
If you want to go another level and achieve absolute perfection, then Do Check out our DD Microfiber Car Wash Mitt which does an Amazing Job at Clearing out the Dirt and Debris and Minimizing Cross Contamination.
2. Thoroughly Clean the Interior

Some People leave this Part of the Car Wash for the End or leave it entirely, But We suggest cleaning the Interior, and cleaning it before you clean the Exterior, This is because Cleaning the Interior first removes the risk of cross-contamination from the Interior. If You Clean the Interior at the End, then You have the risk of making the Exterior Dirty again while you throw the trash and Contaminants from the Interior. You need to thoroughly clean the Interior and remove all kinds of Physical and Chemical Contaminations. You may also want to apply Sanitizing Agents & Sealants to make the Interior Germ-Free & Protected.
You should use an Interior Microfiber Towel to clean the Upholstery, Dash, and Console. If you are looking for an amazing option, You should check out our DD Interior Microfiber Towel.
Once the Interior is done, You can move on to cleaning the Exterior.
3. Use the Two-Bucket Method

Before You start cleaning the Exterior, You should make sure that You are using the Two-Bucket Cleaning System. In this Method, Two Buckets are used simultaneously for the Cleaning. One Bucket is filled with Soapy Water which is used for Scrubbing and Actual Cleaning and the Other is filled with Clean Water which is utilized for the rinsing of the Wash Mitts once you have done the scrubbing on the Car’s Surface. In this way, You don’t make your Soapy water dirty and can use it for Multiple Rounds. And You also remove the Dirt from the Wash Mitt that could otherwise cause Fine Scratches in case you used the Wash Mitt without Rinsing it.
4. Wash the Tires First

As you start cleaning Your Car’s Exterior, You need to make sure that you are starting with the Tires first. Tires usually have the Most Dirt and Stains, so you need to clear out that part first so that You don’t risk transferring that dirt and scrubbing it over Other Parts. You can use either a different Wash Mitt or a Stiff Bristle Brush for the Cleaning of Tires.
5. Wash from Top to Bottom

The Lower Part of Your Car is usually the dirtiest. To Avoid the Transfer of Dirt Elements and Mud from the Bottom, You need to start with the Cleaning of the Top Part First. As You remove the Dirt, Stains, and Bird Poop from the Top, You will be free of the risking the transfer of Contaminants.
As Per the Washing Process, You will need to first thoroughly rinse off the Dirt, Stains, Bird Poop, Mud, and other Contaminants with Clean Water. Then You will have to gently but effectively Scrub the Surface by the Utilization of the Two-Bucket Method. You should also be using a High-Quality Microfiber Wash Mitt to achieve absolute perfection but Microfiber Sponges will also do the job.
This Step will remove all the Contaminants and will give you a spotless Paint Surface.
6. Use Separate Clothes for Body & Tires

We have seen so many people making this mistake. They don’t realize that using the Same Cloth on the Tires and the Body of the Car would seriously Damage the Paint Job of the Car and can accelerate the degradation of the Paint. Using Separate Clothes for the Cleaning of the Car’s Body and Tires is extremely important if you don’t want any type of damage to your Paint.
Microfiber Clothes can be a great option over Standard Towels as They would clear out the maximum number of Dirt Elements and would minimize the transfer of Contaminants.
The Use of a Single Cloth can also cause the removal of any applied Sealant and Coating as the Dirt Elements from the Tires can easily scratch them off.
7. Properly Drying Your Car

Most People don’t give much attention to drying the car after they’ve washed it. This is a Big Mistake as It can lead to Problems such as Water Etching and Attracting Dust. A Proper Drying Process should consist of the complete removal of Water from every Part of the Car by the use of High Quality and Advance Microfiber Drying Towel. You Should consider the DD Drying Towel for the solid drying of your Car, It has High Absorptive Capabilities which allow it to remove water in less time.
You can also use a Protective Sealant or Coat at this stage to Protect the Car’s Surface from Damaging Factors and Reveal the Candy-Like Deep Gloss of the Paint.
The Ultimate Car Wash

Utilizing these Tips, An Ideal Car Wash should look like the following:
- Prepare All the Products and Tools
- Clean the Interior and Remove All Contaminants from the Inside
- Thoroughly Rinse the Whole Car
- Clean the Tires
- Scrub the Exterior with High-Quality Shampoo & Car Wash Mitts
- Utilize the Two-Bucket Method
- Rinse the Car Again
- Clean & Rinse Again any Leftover Parts
- Dry up Your Car with Specialized Drying Towel
- Apply Sealants and Coating (if needed)
If you do all these things in your Car Washing Process, We assure you that the Result of your Car Wash would be Perfect. These Steps will give you the Perfect, Refined & Shiny Car that You always wanted.